3D Veterinary physiotherapy destabilization platform
imoove®-vet is a physiological simulator of organic movement. The Elispheric® movement is unique in the world and has an exclusive patent.
It is a curved movement in the 3 planes of space which follows spiral trajectories.

The Evolution of animal ownership
Thanks to its nervous system, the animal’s body reacts to even the slightest destabilization.
The imoove®-vet veterinary physiotherapy platform shifts his center of gravity and forces him to compensate so as not to fall. Variations in the position of the body are detected by sensory sensors located inside but also outside of it (the proprioceptors) as well as by the inner ear and vision. The brain integrates all this information and then sends appropriate messages to the muscles to contract in an orderly and coordinated fashion to keep the body in balance.

MEDICAL - Functional Rehabilitation
Controlled and physiological rehabilitation without risk and without danger: for ligament rupture, fractures, herniated discs… After orthopaedic or neurological surgery, including early post-operation.

SENIOR - Mobility of the aging animal
Gentle and progressive therapy for the elderly or ageing animal. Return to satisfactory mobility to maintain independence. Reduction in the need for medication.

SPORT - Sport’s, racing or working dogs training
Sports preparation to optimise performance and agility. Muscle strengthening and proprioception work. Physical activity for injury prevention.

WELLNESS - Becoming fit
Adapted physical activity in overweight animals. Mobility regained in sedentary animals. Adapted and gentle exercise in the breeding bitch after giving birth.

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