Tono-Pen VET
Tono-Pen XL VET:
The TONO-PEN VET applanation tonometer is an easy to use, hand-held instrument that provides IOP readings that correlate closely with Goldmann Tonometry.
The TONO-PEN VET tonometer’s lightweight ergonomic design and advanced electronic measurement technology enable operators to take fast and accurate IOP measurement with minimal training. Weighing only 2.25 ounces, the TONO-PEN VET tonometer is extremely portable making it easier to take IOP measurements anywhere on any patient.
Advanced Technology for Accuracy and Repeatability The TONO-PEN VET tonometer utilizes micro strain gage technology and a 1.0 mm transducer tip. Leading Edge recognition software ensures that measurements are taken only at applanation, while ScanLock tracking rapidly scans the electronic measurement data at a rate of 500 samples per second.
This advanced microprocessor technology produces objective IOP measurements that are less influenced by operator bias than Goldmann tonometry. The average of four independent readings, combined with a statistical confidence index, ensure accurate, repeatable, and reliable tonometry results.
Easy to Use The TONO-PEN VET tonometer functions in any orientation, making it ideal to use on all of your patients. The device activates with the push of a button and results are displayed clearly on the easy-to-read LCD screen.
Clinically Trusted Clinicians wolrdwide have made the TONO-PEN VET tonometer a trusted part of their practice for nearly two decades. The proven reliability of the device allows operators to take IOP measurements confidently anytime, anywhere, and in any position.