Meladest rensemiddel, Sitronsyre, 2x350g
Tidligere Ecowater.
Decalcify the inside of the distilling chamber when there are heavy limescale deposits or after 6 months at the latest. MELAG recommends using MELAG citric acid.
Descale the water distiller as follows:
- Fill the water distiller up to slightly above the sediment with clean tap water.
- Switch on the water distiller and wait until the water is warm. Once the water has warmed, switch off the water distiller by disconnecting the power plug.
- Add four normal spoons citric acid into the water distiller.
- Allow the solution to settle for approx. 15 min until the water no longer bubbles.
- Dispose of the solution in the sink under flowing water and rinse the inside of the water distiller well with clear water.
- Should any further residue remain in the water distiller, repeat the previous steps.
Please note: Loosen persistent deposits with a non-metallic kitchen sponge.