IM3 GS Deluxe Start
The GS START is a complete dental system with endless options for the future. The START was designed as a way of getting “STARTed” in veterinary dentistry with the opportunity to upgrade the machine overtime as your dental knowledge and dental treatments increase. Rather the buy a cheap dental unit or electric micro motor that won’t last, buy a Start and let it grow with you practice!
The START can evolve from having a simple 1 bottle water system to a more advanced 2 bottle system with CLS at your fingertips to use in the oral cavity to LED light on the Advantage high speed swivel handpiece with triple coolant spray.
The GS Deluxe START
- Air driven high speed and low speed handpieces
- 400,000rpm highspeed handpiece with coolant control
- 2pc low speed motor and 4:1 straight nose cone for polishing
- 3-way syringe for air, water ad mist
- Oil Free silent hurricane low maintenance compressor.
- Upgrade to GS Deluxe or Deluxe LED at any time.